
We've given our team of assistants the title of Please.Doers and they certainly get it done! We know you are depending on us to support you and all of your project. Our Doers are experienced, efficient and effective.

In-House Doers:

When you submit a task, the information securely transmitted to our team of in-house Doers who will quickly and effectively complete your tasks. Our Doers are extensively trained and easy to work with.

External Support:

We take your tasks very seriously and want to produce superior work for you. Should your task require specialized support or additional talent, we will work with our designated panel of outsourced expert consultants. Security is never jeopardized and we maintain our culture of confidentiality at every level.

Love your Please.Doer?

Should you become a frequent user(and we hope you do), you will have the ability to work with a few designated Doers who you choose! Create a relationship and build a rapport with someone who will get to know you and how you prefer your work done.

Confidential Tasks:

All tasks are handled with your security and confidentiality in mind. Information is transmitted via SSL and encrypted in storage.

When tasks are marked confidential, they are confined within the pool of in-house Doers. You will be informed when a task needs the expertise of an external specialized Doer. At this point you can either cancel the task or proceed with a signed NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) from the Doer handling the task.

Additional rates apply

Urgent Tasks:

While our Doers complete all your tasks quickly and effectively, sometimes you may have a project that needs immediate attention. If you need your task prioritized, you can mark your task as URGENT and skip the regular task queue having a Please.Doer work on it right away.

Additional rates apply

Wizard Magical Hat

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